Fatkeqësisht, një vlerësim i vlerësimit të shtëpisë nuk disponohet aktualisht për këtë pronë.
Të dhënat e tregut janë të kufizuara për këtë pronë
Ligjet e shtetit kufizojnë zbulimin e këtij informacioni
Kjo pronë është unike dhe vlera nuk mund të vlerësohet
Mendoni për shitjen?
Lidhu me Charlie për të mësuar më shumë!
Keni nevojë për një vlerësim?
Charlie Peterson mund të shfrytëzojë të dhënat e thelluara të tregut për të ofruar një vlerësim të saktë të shtëpisë.
Charlie Peterson mund të ofrojë udhëzime ekspertësh të përshtatura për nuancat e tregut tuaj lokal.
Charlie Peterson mund të shfrytëzojë të dhënat e thelluara të tregut për të ofruar një vlerësim të saktë të shtëpisë.
Fusha e mesazhit nuk mund të jetë bosh.
Dicka shkoi keq. Ju lutemi provoni përsëri.
Mesazhi u Dergua
Charlie do të kontaktojë së shpejti. Ju lutemi kontrolloni emailin tuaj për një përgjigje!
Dëshmi të veçuara
"Charlie is the consummate professional, honest, direct, dependable, and a real go-getter!! He gives 100% to his clients, whether they are selling their homes or looking for one. He provides detailed information on every property and if you are selling, he gives you straightforward details on how to present your property in the BEST light and to earn top dollar!! He will be with you every step of the way!"
Shiko me shume
Hillard H
jan 2021
Hillard H
jan 2021
Charlie is the consummate professional, honest, direct, dependable, and a real go-getter!! He gives 100% to his clients, whether they are selling their homes or looking for one. He provides detailed information on every property and if you are selling, he gives you straightforward details on how to present your property in the BEST light and to earn top dollar!! He will be with you every step of the way!
"Charlie was an absolutely amazing realtor. We were moving from another state to Florida and Charlie made the process easy as possible. He is knowledgeable, professional, responsive, caring, proactive, and extremely helpful. I will recommend him to all my family and friends, and he will be the only realtor I use moving forward, hands down the best we have ever had."
Shiko me shume
Christopher D
jan 2021
Christopher D
jan 2021
Charlie was an absolutely amazing realtor. We were moving from another state to Florida and Charlie made the process easy as possible. He is knowledgeable, professional, responsive, caring, proactive, and extremely helpful. I will recommend him to all my family and friends, and he will be the only realtor I use moving forward, hands down the best we have ever had.
"Charlie helped to make the selling of our house as smooth as possible-he answered questions quickly, helped with signing papers while we traveled and even had us pre-sign in a Deland office when we couldn’t be there for the closing. He was always courteous and professional and was very knowledgeable of the real estate in our community. Both my husband and I recommend Charlie as a top notch realtor!"
Shiko me shume
Jackie L
Deland ,
gush 2024
Jackie L
Deland ,
gush 2024
Charlie helped to make the selling of our house as smooth as possible-he answered questions quickly, helped with signing papers while we traveled and even had us pre-sign in a Deland office when we couldn’t be there for the closing. He was always courteous and professional and was very knowledgeable of the real estate in our community. Both my husband and I recommend Charlie as a top notch realtor!
"Charlie is extremely knowledgeable about his markets. I have was in real estate for over 40 years . I have managed many offices and trained many agents. I have been retired for 10 years. I’m so impressed by this young man. He take his job as a realtor seriously and professionally. He knows his inventory, his geographic territory, the market financial and always up to date to the changes. I highly recommend Charlie Peterson."
Shiko me shume
Laura C
jan 2022
Laura C
jan 2022
Charlie is extremely knowledgeable about his markets. I have was in real estate for over 40 years . I have managed many offices and trained many agents. I have been retired for 10 years. I’m so impressed by this young man. He take his job as a realtor seriously and professionally. He knows his inventory, his geographic territory, the market financial and always up to date to the changes. I highly recommend Charlie Peterson.
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